Read this to transform your remote work experience

Welcome back to another issue of Remotely Interesting! We recently celebrated the 2nd birthday of this newsletter

  • 2 years
  • 35 issues
  • 0 to 2,399 subscribers

Just want to take a moment to say thank you for all your support!

I will forever appreciate the time you take to read, reply, and share my work. Every time I considered stopping, a kind comment came my way and kept me going. You all are the best!

Here's to continuing the journey of revolutionizing how we live by changing how we work.

Where should I start?

With 35 articles to choose from, it might be hard to find what you're looking for. Here are my specific recommendations targeting common remote work concerns:

TLDR below 👇 | Read this on the web | Subscribe

If you're looking to build healthy, fundamental remote work habits, I recommend starting here:

If you're struggling with too many meetings, check out these articles:

If you're dealing with burnout, you need to read this:

If you want to upgrade your workday, start the journey here:

Remember: Transforming your remote work experience doesn't happen overnight. Instead, it happens by experimenting and taking tiny incremental actions to gradually build your best work-life. Hopefully, these articles give you some ideas on actions you can experiment with.

Quote of the Week

In Other News

What does work-life balance mean in a changed work world?
'“There was this change where people realized it’s possible to also prioritize family or private life, even during work hours,” says Lupu. “Because if work intrudes on your family life – on your non-work time – why shouldn’t the opposite be OK?”'

Tech Holdouts Are Making Life Hell for Their Colleagues
'“The reason they want to have people back in the office is ‘fill in the blank,’ but usually it’s about how they feel like they don’t have their finger on the pulse of the organization, especially given the economic situation,” says Elliott, who heads Future Forum, an initiative launched in September 2020 to help companies grapple with the pandemic-accelerated shift away from an office-centric work culture. “But they’re missing out on the conversation because they’re not in the tools where people are having that conversation.”

He’s referring not only to messaging apps such as Slack, but also to collaboration tools including Google Docs, Microsoft Teams, Airtable and others tailored to specific industries. People were using these before the pandemic, but now, at many companies, universities and nonprofits, they’re the primary platform for communication and culture-building.

It’s leaders who aren’t using those tools who you’ll often find lamenting the post-pandemic decline in engagement and drop-off in productivity. Many of these bosses, depending on age, have never experienced forging a complex, trusting relationship online. They didn’t have AOL Instant Messenger or Tumblr friends; they can’t imagine meeting the love of their life on OkCupid or Tinder—just as younger workers might not be able to fathom building a friendship (or falling in love!) through snail mail.'

The Flow State Boot Up Sequence
"The Boot Up Sequence is a fixed set of actions and environmental cues that mentally and physically mark the start of your work session. While it can be used for any work session, I find it particularly impactful and valuable in priming for a deep work session (daily focused work on the "most important thing"). The Boot Up Sequence is built around the five senses: Touch, Taste, Sight, Sound, and Smell. Engaging each of these allows you to quickly and consistently enter your flow."

In Case You Missed It

What if your company paid you to take off for 7 weeks?
In case you missed the last newsletter issue, I profiled one person's experience with doing just that. Here's the inside look into a 7-week sabbatical including how they prepared, what they ended up doing, and what it was like to come back.

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Marissa Goldberg
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February 6th 2023

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Marissa Goldberg
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February 17th 2023

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Marissa Goldberg
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February 23rd 2023

Behind the Scenes

Shared why I don't dread doing my taxes:

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Marissa Goldberg
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February 16th 2023

Shared my lessons learned:

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Marissa Goldberg
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February 24th 2023

What did you think of this issue? What do you hope you'll see in the next one? Feel free to reply to this message or DM me on Twitter @mar15sa.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Hope you have a lovely day!

Founder, Remote Work Prep


Remotely Interesting

9-5, Monday-Friday, in-person office work are all relics of the past. This thoughtful newsletter helps you reflect on your current way of life and create actionable steps for a more intentional future. Let's revolutionize how you live by changing how you work.

Read more from Remotely Interesting

Hey there, We're back after a 3-month hiatus. Hope you are well and apologies for my absence! While the media has been busy proclaiming "remote work is dead", my business has been growing like crazy. Haven't had a single free moment to write over these last couple of months 😅 Today, I'm back with the much-requested topic of why standups are outdated. This is a two-part issue. First, we'll discuss why standups suck and what you can do instead. Then, in the next issue, I'll dive into one of the...

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